The Weaving Wisdom Garden: Vision Awakening
A Collaborative Publication Pollinating Poetic Expression
Fall Spiral: Vision Awakening
September 27, 2023
Thank you for bringing your Heart to receive the Weaving Wisdom shared through this Garden of Poetic Expression.
Enjoy the works of heart contributed by inspired Weavers and follow your curiosity to explore their personal realms of creativity through the links provided with their names. The deepest intention of this publication is to strum resonance through nourishing expressions and enliven the ether as we cultivate connection with one another. We would love to listen with your reflections in the comments and spark inspired conversations that ripple the medicine in all directions.
© Alison Blickle
Website: ALISON BLICKLE – Artist
IG: @alisonblickle
deep in your heart
lives the aspect of you
that does not need to know
to plan, to do, to hold on
to anything ever
but love
like a soulful song
sung by your core
and every melody holds
the potential to become
a symphony
can you trust trust
can you throw yourself
into her arms
like a child
returning to their mother
without doubt
fear dissolving
into love
deep in your soul
resides the rhythm of your essence
a mystical beat
ancient and wise
can you hear it drum the song
of your truth
trusting the beat
your feet begin to dance
to the song of your soul
guiding you forwards
into the darkness
into the void
asking you to trust
and your journey begins
into the unknown
beat by beat
song by song
feet feeling for the future
as they move to the beat
of your soul
can you trust yourself
the wisdom of your heart
the intuition of your core
and all the feelings and motions
your body dances with
every day, and every night
always by your side
and as the song of you
resounds in your heart
resounds in the world
you see yourself with new eyes
trust your soul in new ways
you trust life
magical as it is
wild as it is
unpredictable as it is
but beautiful beyond words
beautiful, oh so beautiful
© Klara Foldys
Book: A Modern Mystic's Guide to Creating a Better Future preorder:
© Alison Blickle
Website: ALISON BLICKLE – Artist
IG: @alisonblickle
eyes closed
she sees the world that is not here.
eyes closed
she sees a world that is beyond here.
higher and higher
larger and larger
brighter and brighter
eyes closed she sees
she sees.
she sees.
eyes open
she sees another world in front of her.
eyes open
she sees another way in front
eyes open she sees
the way of false power
of industry
of forward
up and down...
eyes open she sees the grey beyond the green
the harshness beyond the softness
eyes open she sees this.
And then she closed her eyes again...
eyes closed
she sees and feels another world deep within her being
eyes closed
she sees and hears
the language spoken,
the colours vibrate,
the life-force become tangible,
she sees animals talk to her
and trees awaken before her
she sees rocks smile at her
and the world open up before her.
eyes closed she witnesses many things and feels many more,
eyes closed she begins to understand the world she lives in
eyes closed
she begins to understand herself.
then one day,
she opened her eyes in a different way
and saw the same thing that she always saw with her eyes closed
now eyes open she sees another world
where lines are neither drawn nor know
a world where cross overs are true
and language is changeable
eyes open,
in the quiet of the landscape
where the cross overs meet
she sees a real world
where colour and sound
vibration and life-force
is tangible
and powerful
Where the wee folk talk to her
and the plants and trees trust her
Where the rocks show their expressions
and the winds whisper to her
and now both,
open and closed
she can see
and become
part of
another world
another way of being
another life
and now
in this life,
this time
eyes open and closed
she tries to live
and live
and live
in the cross overs
the liminal cross overs,
eyes open
eyes closed
in the cross overs.
in the cross overs.
© Samantha Corrie.
Website -
Substack -
© Rachel Fae
It is Night
It is night. They come, thick
muscular. Their undulations
~ sinuous alert power ~
are waves made flesh.
Male and female, the snakes
are horizontal melodies
in a terrestrial fugue.
The woman’s ancient brain
hears their music:
knowledge evolves by epochs
gestated in seawater
birthed into bacteria
coiled up as mollusks
till one moment in time
perception migrates
to dry land and
wisdom lives buried, burrowed
layered in soil carbon
sequestered by nematodes and fungi,
by wild grace.
Recognizing ancestral kin,
she sees intelligence glide toward her.
A primal synaptic leap and
she steps toward them
to shelter from harm
from two-legged fear of
a garden
an apple
eternal eviction.
To protect fluid-knowing
~ serpentine gestalt ~
from the metal blade of a shovel.
She stands at the
crack in the world
carries oneness in her body
reaches out.
She holds snake’s
weight and length
in her hand.
Woman and viper are
curious intelligence.
Now she sees
the marks of the pit viper.
Her arm, hot, swells.
Now she sees
their bodied exchange
as he moves forward
with human legs
while she, full of
snake medicine, begins.
© Sharifa Oppenheimer
*Poem from: A Litany of Wild Graces ~ Meditations on Sacred Ecology (Red Elixir Press)
© Rachel Fae
I am the Cosmic Dream
I hear the People singing.
They are singing their Thanksgiving Songs to the Rainbow Trout. They are dancing. Children and Grandmothers, pounding their feet in the sand, singing and weaving together the dance of the cosmic universe, weaving planets into water, water into seeds.
I am woman
the living needle
weaving heaven
to earth
and back again
I see mile-wide wetlands, meandering beneath ancient old growth Cottonwoods, the trunks of which are as wide as boulders.
I see deep rich pools of pristine mountain run-off, crisp and clean as the winter night sky. I see groves of cattail and willow, flocks of river birds. I hear choruses of crickets, frogs and the slithering of water worshiping snakes. I see beaver dams gathering the waters, purifying them, feeding the communities of life that surround. I hear music and children giggling.
I am Spirit
with hands
that mold
the soft clay
of possibility
I see crystalline waters reflecting Sun and Moon and Star. I hear trickling, running, pooling waters, eddies and thrushing whirlpools. I see the Village beneath these Elder Trees. I smell the smoke of cooking fires and fragrant herbs. I feel Eternity woven into the fabric of our Remembering.
And beyond the forest, I see grasslands that dance and sway in the soft breeze. Across the horizon are miles and miles of grazing bison and antelope. Breathing oceans of gold and black, regal in their remembering of place among Creation. Fertilizing, tilling, feeding the living soil which in turn feeds them. One in all, all in one, giving, receiving, remembering the Sacred Hoop of Life.
There are no fences or meters, no pipes or cement passageways. Earth and root feeding alpine waters; waters churning with life and fish, minnows and tadpoles, alive with heavenly green.
As it was Intended in the beginning.
I am the Circle
and I am
the Tree
I am entwined
in deep soul-speak
to my Village
and my Earth
I hear the Wisdoms passed down through song and story, I feel how the People never severed their golden cord. I see Truth in the way they speak to one another. In the way they love, in the way they tend the fire and soil. I feel unbounded freedom across landscapes, nomadic footprints, pristine water, infinite possibility. I feel the intact Dreaming of a culture who never forgot their home in the Heart.
I am purifying
the path
for my children
I am the path
I am the bone-deep
Heaven to earth
and back again
© Leah Bee
Redwoods as Elder
Nestled between sea and the first mountains, the fog gathers in such a way as to give water to the trees that they themselves grow to touch. The Redwood tree - Sequoia sempervirens - is one that is held by the sky. Needle leaves coalesce fog water, sending drops to the forest floor. By these means, the trees are an extension of the coastal fog layer. Their ancient trunks are said to be the tallest on earth. The roots that hold them are merely on the surface, comparably speaking. They gain their strength from embracing the roots of nearby individuals. Their canopy offers a home to animals that may never see the ground. Sequoia sempervirens itself appears to be born from the sky - just landing here on the Northern California coast, via following the path of the fog.
Modern civilization is suffering from a lack of eldership. Eldership closely relates to mothership. In all cultures Elders serve a function. Primary amongst these are understanding and experience, creating a sacred stability. An Elder is one who softly guides the tribe; while the Mother is the one that guides the family. These roles have very similar qualities, palpably felt through their interactions. The cumulative lore of living is a gift upon the children to learn from them (though it may not always feel that way!). Elders help us understand where we are going. Their stability ensures that we can walk our own journeys with confidence - safeguarded from extreme perturbations. Even more so this falls on the mother; the child by necessity requires a safe and secure place—both emotionally and physically— in order to begin ‘leaving the nest’.
Redwood Ecology, viewed through the lens of Natural History, is shown to include the specific function of Eldership— with Elder tees providing understanding, experience, and structure to a clan of other plants in the larger system. The Redwood also provides these qualities to her own children, displaying Mothership towards her own offspring.
Recently, I found myself confused, smothered by landlords - cut off from functional familial lines; mothership and with no elders around to find confidence and guidance. The chasm of destiny disease (becoming sick from not fulfilling function), suffocation from mis-intentioned people, and surviving the social landscape left me seeking true guidance. The kind that the Redwood provides—the lesson that 500 years of experience is what it takes to become mature; that hard work growing oneself in the right direction allows one to carry a Wandering Salamander; that creating strong familial lines is the way to maintain resilience. I wandered along my familial lines, tracing cordage as far back as I could, with no elder or mother to be found.
© Sydney Mongiello
IG: @aporiafermentation
Awaken NOW to a New Vision of Yourself
“For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.”
~ Cynthia Occelli
When we are open to the idea of awakening to a new vision of ourselves it can be a delicate and vulnerable process. Our vision must be nurtured and allowed to grow and change. In the allowing we let something bigger in to be created and expanded upon.
Being curious allows us to be open to what can become available to us, the infinite possibilities that exist daily. It takes courage to awaken to something different than what you’ve always known or been taught your whole existence.
I believe that now is the time for many to wake up to a different vision; one filled with wholeness, light, love and compassion for all. This is the time to begin anew and to share your gifts with the world no matter if you think you have any or not. I promise that you do!
We are all blessed with gifts and talents in order to share and assist others on their journey of growth, healing and awakening. Be courageous and shine your light for others to witness and learn from so that they can in turn be brave and share theirs.
Let HER be your guide in this process of awakening and finding a new way of being. Stay open to however or whatever may be presented in your awakening; a plant, an animal, an insect, a cloud, a thought, an image. As all messages, no matter the form have meaning and potency.
She has so much wisdom to share with us if we are open to hearing it, feeling it, sensing it and believing in it. Join her in awakening to your own magic by crafting a vision of what you want to FEEL and BE
Remember that you are never too old, too sick, or too lost to connect back to the wisdom that exists within us and all around us each day. Get outside and use all of your senses to awaken to the beauty of the design and iteration of HER. It is never too late to start to awaken and craft a new vision if you feel stuck and unfulfilled with what is happening in and around you. Begin again in each moment, each day, when life feels hard and when life feels easy. I’m here to walk along with you on this journey of awakening…
© Amy Stein
Free Guided Breath Session:
Website: Healing | Mind Body Spirit Breath
Substack: Amy’s Substack
Visioning and prayer are intimate partners, dancing our soul’s deepest longings into existence. Each one of us has a unique song within that is meant to be sung into this earthly life. As we all come together these gifts blend, heart opening harmonies as our true connection.
We are so much more than we think we are. We are multidimensional beings. Tuning into this, however, requires us to see, hear, and feel beyond just our physical senses. Visioning activates deep resources within, inner technologies that are our birthright.
But a sacrifice must be made. Like Innana, this means relinquishing the adornments that keep us tied and distracted to the trappings of the outer world, to our minds with its logical strategies. We must enter the underworld, the subconscious where the dream comes alive!
A mystical language of images, sensations, archetypes, colors, sounds, vibrations, etc. We are already fluent in this mother tongue. We just need to remember, remember.
As I dream, vision, and travel these inner landscapes, fuller meaning is revealed. Yet the alchemy of incorporating this into my lived life means harvesting these sacred gifts. Especially the ones that do not make sense to my rational mind. Reaping happens through writing, contemplating, inquiry, sharing with others, tarot readings, dreaming and visioning again! Then comes prayer, these magical intentions that synthesize and integrate what has been collected into manifestation.
Most importantly, it’s trusting the process with humble gratitude. Bowing down to this unfurling. Where the mind is not the ruler but the servant to my/your/our sacred song.
© Julie Schmidt
My Last Poem
The artist in her old age
Ceases to be productive.
When the out-flow
Returns to the heart
And rests in its power
Without image,
Without words.
No longer a conduit,
She belongs to the invisible.
No one knows
How one becomes the art
In a transforming recognition.
Song of Self
Coming into a knowing
Of all myself.
Only natural,
A forest, a garden,
Trees I didn’t see,
Small flowers I missed.
I know these leaves of me
All gathered here,
Where every experience
A quiet fermentation.
I am amazed
By the richness
Of this holy place,
The way I love myself
Is much more important
Than the way another loves me.
Similarly, I’m the only person
Who’s going to know me.
© Julie Stander
Take All The Time You Need —
My heart took all the time she needed because she felt the heaviness of displacement weighing on her
My heart took all the time she needed because she didn’t know what else to do
She felt too much which made her feel too little
The normal things like listening to the birds outside her window, taking an Epsom salt bath, extra rest… didn’t seem to pull her out of the darkness and into the light like they usually do
So my heart took all the time she needed
To write and get angry and cry
My heart took all the time she needed because my mind was overloaded with worry and despair
Running a to do list as long as the Gale River which added to my body’s paralyzation
My heart on the other hand took as much time as she needed
She didn’t escape, she felt and wept and slept
She said, “come with me racing mind and aching body. I’ll support the whole of us and the hole within us”.
So we all went with our precious heart because we didn’t know what else to do
My heart didn’t dictate or divide, she allowed everything and anything to rise up and be felt, seen, held, and allowed
We had all the time we needed
It was there we found stillness and silence beyond the chaos clouding our aliveness
It was there we found safety and comfort from the fear and anxiety
Fear and anxiety were there too but so was safety and acceptance
There’s a difference you see between the “and” that bridges and connects and the “or” that separates and divides
This and that
Rather than this or that
My heart took all the time she needed because she had to in order to survive
She reminds the whole of us and the hole within us that we must be with our truth as it is arising and dying
We must unify and be in sacred ceremony with all our parts
My racing frantic mind and anxious dissociative body and my sacred Guide, the Heart all came together in a talking / feeling circle of trust
It’s a lot to trust
It’s a lot to stop and be with the truth as it’s arising
But my heart reassured us we could take all the time that was needed
This softened our worry
We melted into the moment instead of running away
We let our “ugliness” be seen, felt, and witnessed
We shared
because the Heart cared
And took all the time she needed;
I was there.
© Nicole Lynn, FLOE; Facilitating Love On Earth
Link Tree:
Thank YOU for TUNING IN with these beautiful Poetic Expressions.
Your presence is deeply appreciated. We would love to hear how this touched your truth. Give a moment and share in the comments!
The Weaving Wisdom Garden is published monthly and themed to support remembrance of our cyclical nature by following the Seasonal Spiral.
Brewing in the Creative Cauldron for next month:
Grief as a Gateway
publishing October 25, 2023
Please consider sending in your creative works of heart! This creation is woven through your participation. For details about the theme, the guidelines and the contribution process, visit:
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I felt the first spoken word by Klara were exactly the words I needed to hear the moment I read this "can you trust, trust" wow - thanks Rhiannon for putting this together. 💖
What a treasure to read this morning... so much beauty here. a line that I know will keep walking with me is "my heart took all the time she needed..." from Nicole Lynn's poem. Oh how that moved me to soften. Thank you as always for curating beauty as an offering to the world.