Weaving the Wisdom of Wholeness, Nature, Embodied Knowing and Integrated Transformation through a harmonic ecology of Plant Spirit Classes, Synergy Sermons, Spells of Attunement and Channeled Poetic Expression

Weaving Wisdom is a frequency field crafted from the vibratory essence of my GIFTS. It is a field of energy that I open INTO daily as a devotion to my medicine. My creative rhythm is always evolving, inviting me to explore immersive pathways of learning to enrich my journey.

I am currently navigating 8 week Wisdom Spirals, apprenticing with a Plant Spirit Guide and the layers of remembrance ignited through this initiation. I will be integrating this journey through sharing a succession of publishing’s here on Substack.

Here is what you can expect to receive:
A plant guided Spell of Attunement will open the Wisdom Spiral,
followed by a Wisdom Theme to clarify the overarching teaching.
I will then journey through the Elemental Dimensions over 5 weeks peeling back the layers of this potent exploration with Synergy Sermons, a confluence of Channeled Wisdom, Poetic Expression and Personal Story to share the lived integration of these lessons. To conclude this 8 week spiral, I will publish a Plant Harmony Class, sharing all that I have learned about the Plant Spirit Guide and how their powerful Essence can support our Human journey within this learning.

Explore this post to learn more about the creative works you will receive:
Welcome to Weaving Wisdom: A Map for this Constellation of Creation


My name is Rhiannon.
I am an Oracular Guide, channeling potent reflective wisdom through the multidimensional layers of this reality. I am deeply immersed in my personal evolutionary Journey, willingly walking the path as it unfolds before me INTO the unknowing. As an Herbalist and Earth Devotee, I apprentice intimately with Plant Spirits and Elemental Energies to bring forth the REMEMBERANCE of our Primal Blueprint as Sovereign Beings. I translate the confluence of my experience with poetic expression and creatively crafted sermons.

I Weave Wisdom.

I am here to activate and support those who are Wisdom Weavers, Way Showerts, Poetic Mystics, Wholeness Healers, Earth Oracles, Guiding Lights, and Shadow Dancers as they awaken the full potential of their GIFTS and INTEGRATE their WHOLENESS. I work 1:1 with potent Soul Embodied Humans that are creating space for their Essence to be fully LIVED. Together we navigate the TRUTH of consciousness expansion as a journey of powerful Initiations. We open INTO the 5 Elemental Dimensions that we all have access to (see below) and Ritually Write as we Map the Soul and Reveal the GIFTS that are ready to be EMBODIED.

We are here to ANCHOR IN harmonic frequencies to this Earth Realm Reality, dissolving the webs of density that have kept our INFINTE CREATIVE MAGIC trapped in loops of wounded suppression.

All of my creations sprout from my layered perception of this reality. The 5 Elemental Dimensions are the channels of life force that converge together to make up our Soul Embodied Human Ecology. Each dimension opens a channel that tunes our receptivity into powerful languages of knowing and guidance. These portals of energy give us pathways of exploration to interface with this Earth Reality. I believe these portals are alive in all of us.

The Dimension of Heart Element of Spirit ~ The Wholeness

Our heart home is the center point field of our being. This is the space of convergence, where all truth meets, where all creation springs, and where our unique frequency is beamed into this reality. The sanctuary of our Heart is our safe space, the home of our soul, the voice of our truth.

The Dimension of LIGHT Element of Air

This channel tunes us in with our LIGHT body, spanning realms and dimensions, and opening our channels to receive messages from our higher self, our spirit guides, our guardian angels and any other loving frequencies that are accompanying us for this Earth Walk. Imagination, mind translation, miraculous guidance and our prophetic vision all channel in through this stream of receptivity.

The Dimension of Shadow Element of Fire

This channel is our transformational portal through the underworld. Here we tap into the contrast filled spaces, our fractaled aspects of self, the ways in which we cope with our reality and all the wisdom in our wounds. This is the voice that liberates us from all that has suppressed our WHOLE expression. The energy of alchemy, the portal of passion, the fires of our desires and creation all informed by the contrast that births our unique essence.

The Dimension of Embodiment Element of Water

This channel invites us to learn the languages of wisdom through our physical water-based bodies. Our emotions, our feelings, our instincts, our intimacy. The actual systems that make up our physical body and provide us the ability to interface with this three-dimensional reality. Our body is constantly receiving energy, translating and transmitting information. It is here we learn about how we respond to the world around us, and just how intelligent our natural receptive awareness is.

The Dimension of Nature Element of Earth

This channel opens us into the miraculous symphony of the Earths divine ecology and our place within it. Our Primal Human Blueprint. The innate abilities and intrinsic symbology of our nature. This is the wisdom inspired through the spirits of the Earth, the Elements, the cycles of birth and death. Earth is our greatest reflection, as she is always showing us the aligned path of symbiotic relationship and adaptability through the mystery.

To learn more about me and all that’s brewing in my creative cauldron, visit my website:

*For detailed info about each offering, read this post: Welcome to Weaving Wisdom!

Free Subscribers receive:
Wisdom Themes
Spells of Attunement
Synergy Sermons
Weaving Wisdom Podcast

Paid Subscribers open access to The Learning Garden:
11.11 mo / 111.11 yr
The Plant Harmony’s classes are blossoming in the Learning Garden for paid subscribers.
Each Wisdom Spiral, I am journeying with a Plant Guide to deepen my relationship to their medicine and create a Plant Harmony class to creatively share what I have learned! The 8 Week long immersion that I am steeped INTO with each plant has become an incredibly nourishing way of learning HOW to commune with Plant Guides and HOW their medicine influences my Human experience. I learn the Gifts of these plants through my personal journey of integrating their medicine INTO my lived ecology.

Subscribe to Weaving Wisdom

Weaving the Wisdom of Wholeness, Nature, Embodied Knowing and Integrated Transformation through a harmonic ecology of Plant Spirit Classes, Synergy Sermons, Spells of Attunement and Channeled Poetic Expression


I am an Earth Loving Herbalist + Rhythmic Writer exploring this Multidimensional Reality through Whole Plant Medicine, Ritual Writing and Poetic Expression! Tuning in with The Realms of Wisdom and Cultivating Creative Works of Heart.