Love your work! ❤️❤️❤️

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Thank YOU!! Its vulnerable to share the raw truth, your reception is deeply appreciated Freddy!

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Sending you love and light from a fellow inhabitant of these depths and losses <3

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Beaming LOVE to you my friend! Thanks to listening IN!

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Feb 1Liked by Rhiannon Lynn

Rhi you are such an inspiration!! Your journey is one of the most harrowing and beautiful tales I've been blessed to be a part of. Thank you for breaking all the right rules!!! So much love to you. xoxox

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Having you as a trusted friend has made all the difference. Nothing compares to being witnessed, received, and encouraged -without ANY judgement- while traversing transformation. 💞

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Feb 1Liked by Rhiannon Lynn

Love you!

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Rhiannon, I loved listening to your story...Your giggles, the swearing, the frustration. I felt your authenticity, your realness, the raw and vulnerable reality of being in this wild crazy time. And yes there is no destination. No final arrival. Only this, right here, right now!

I must say, I related deeply to all of it. I recognize this dark space, the density of life, the womb that both births and takes away. The midwife of life and death. For there are no true polarities, only the mind that creates them. The culture we live in are swimming in them. For me, living this in between place is very real, it can be wondrous but it is also quite unnerving at times. Especially when the rug gets pulled out from underneath and there is only a free-fall. My nervous system gets taken on many wild rides! Love to you Rhiannon.

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Ive never truly LIVED in the present as much as this situation has required. No planning available, no space to ruminate on the past - only the CURRENT flow of energy to listen and co create with. So many layers live RIGHT HERE. 🌀 Love to YOU Julie!!

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resonating and reflecting especially with the words... surrender... blind spots become learning ground for embodied awareness... When trust begins to trickle IN birthing from your very own medicine. and all the inquiries you're listening with. thank you for this Rhiannon. love.

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Thank You for bringing your LOVE to the field 💞

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So grateful you are here on Earth to share your courageous heart with us 💔🙏🕊️💫

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Beaming LOVE to you Kate, your energy is deeply felt and always brings a powerful thread of calm trust to the woven field. Thank you thank you.

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Beautiful, and so inspiring! Thank you Rhiannon ✨💖✨💖✨

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Thank you for listening with my journey! I was unsure about exposing my vulnerability, yet somehow the raw honesty has ignited my power. I appreciate your vibration participating in the synergy!

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Hello Rhiannon!

In the rawness of your words, and in the vulnerability of your surrender, you are held... I know you know this...and yet sometimes it is important to hear it again. You are deeply supported!

For what purpose you said, and yet in your words and beyond your words you shared many answers... for the purpose of truth, of integrity; for the purpose of love and self compassion; for the purpose of surrender and growth, for the purpose of strength and gentleness; for the purpose of self esteem and self worth; for the purpose of living and dying and being reborn again...

Rhiannon, thank you for your depth, for your sharing, for your vulnerability.

May in voicing this, and having it witnessed, may another portal open for you and your love, a portal of gentleness, of ease and of a home-coming.

In honour of you all that you share and all that you are.

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Thank You for the beautifully expressed prayers Sam, your words carry the vibration of gentle ease that you are spelling with your heart and I FULLY receive the Gifts of your field beaming medicine INTO mine. I deeply appreciate the reminders and remembrance that I am fully supported in each and every moment. 💞

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Feb 3Liked by Rhiannon Lynn

Oh my Rhi Rhi - you want the raw truth - my heart aches, my eyes have not stopped shedding tears for you that you are having to go thru such a time of darkness and homelessness. I do not know where you are and miss you so much. I want to hold you, comfort the little girl I knew and know and make it all better! But, I do know and understand this is your private walk thru the universe and I cannot walk in your shoes, you must navigate this time. You are not alone, your guides, angels and your bear of a spirit animal is with you at all times and the love of your family. I picture your smiling face with the goofy fur hat on, put my forehead to yours and send you love, light and clarity of mind for you to find your way to the place you belong. You are such an inspiration to all that come in contact with you and your gifts. With much love, AP

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Thank YOU for sharing Raw Truth. That is precisely the medicine of this journey. The power of SEEING, FEELING and LIVING the Whole Truth with Acceptance and Presence. Learning with the nitty gritty challenges that being Human brings to our Hearts. I know you have walked with challenges and gracefully become your Whole Medicinal Self. I am honored to have you as FAMILY.

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So much love for all of this. The poem is soul-touching, the depth of it has my heart sing. Your voice is of such power and beauty. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. It's an honour to be a witness to your unfolding.

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Thank YOU for BEING witness to me as I shatter and become. The primal nature of our human journey requires that we move through our seasons and cycles of death and decay - sometimes arriving in unpredictable moments. Then again, the signals were likely all there - and just as a flower knows when she is heading to seed, My Soul too knew it was time to collapse in a heap. 💞

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Sending you so much love as you’re moving through this time of upheaval and uncertainty! Here’s to the magic of your soul’s deep knowing and her wisdom on the path she chooses to walk – or rather, the path-less woods she chose to enter, to carve out her own way into the mystery of the future. 🤍

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Feb 21Liked by Rhiannon Lynn

Holding space for you and the courage with which you're sharing your journey! 💗

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💞 Thank YOU 💞

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