Weaving Wisdom
Weaving Wisdom
The Web of Shadow Frequencies: Tending to the Subtle Energies that Influence our Patterns and Perceptions

The Web of Shadow Frequencies: Tending to the Subtle Energies that Influence our Patterns and Perceptions

Weaving Wisdom Podcast

Hi Friends! Today’s episode is exploring the underbelly of Repatterning Reality. As we begin the process of restoring our Wholeness and embracing responsibility for our energy, we must step into inquiry with all the ways our shadow frequencies influence the behavior patterns and the core beliefs that we are functioning within. When we pull on the threads of our wounded past, we find ourselves NOTICING all the ways those wounds innervated into our relational dynamic with life. I touch on The Grounding Points and The Realms of Wisdom in this exploration. These are concepts that make up my foundational framework. There are past episodes about these (and more in-depth episodes to come) as well as deeper clarity shared through The Weaving Wisdom Guides that accompany those episodes!

I would love to hear from you. To share your thoughts about this episode, post a Comment on the Substack!

Thank you for TUNING IN!



Email: WeavingWisdom.Love@gmail.com

Substack: The Weaving Wisdom Substack

Share Your Voice: WeavingWisdom.Love/Pollinating-Expression

Journey with Me: 1:1 Journey

Website: WeavingWisdom.Love

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Weaving Wisdom
Weaving Wisdom
Welcome to the Weaving Wisdom Podcast. You will be hearing my newest creative work of heart ~ Conversational Journeys through the Elemental Dimensions!
I will be journeying with fellow Wisdom Keepers, Way Showers, Earth Oracles and Guiding Lights ~ Women who are forging their Soul Guided Path by listening with the Gifts alive in their Wholeness.
I will guide our conversation into the Elemental Dimensions ~ the potent fields of energy that makeup our Soul Embodied Human ecology. We will be meeting each guest in their present moment truth ~ listening with what is unfurling in the current of their reality and the gems of wisdom that have birthed from their constellation of experience. We will hear what their Heart is guiding them into, how they connect with their guidance, what they are alchemizing in their shadows, how their actual bodies speak to them, and how Nature plays an integral role in their lives. We will learn what they are cultivating with their Gifts and how those pursuits weave into their transformative growth!